[HN] Khách sạn InterContinental Hanoi Westlake tuyển dụng Graphic Designer

- Job overview
• To accomplish all the design work such as painting, decoration and graphic design for the purposes of the Marketing Section as well as other Departments in the Hotel.
Duties & Responsiblities
• Responsible for the in-house point-of-sale materials such as monthly promotional posters, banners and leaflets derived from fact sheets of the respective F&B outlets, and ad-hoc announcement posters.
• Execute jobs in the form of Job Order, generated from Marketing Manager
• In charge of event promotion with Marketing Manager
• In the event that the Graphic Designer be briefed directly by any department personnel (in the absence of Marketing Manager), they would keep the manager informed. This is to ensure a smooth flow of work within the Marketing Team as deadlines must be drawn in respect to the urgency of each individual job.
• Work on the concept and execution for the design of any job. The copy text and relevant information will be provided by Marketing Manager concerned for any job.
• Perform any other duties which may be from time to time.
- Proficient in the use of Design Program (ex: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe XD,..)
- 6 months - 1 year related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
- Equipment to be proviced and Labor protection equipment include: uniform and equipment as Job requirement and Hotel policy.
- Insurance: According to the Vietnamese Labor Law and its regulations.
- 1 meals per working day and other benefits as Hotel policy.
- Send your CV (in English) and portfolio to: hr.office@ihg.com
- or contact 024 6270 7075 (Ms. Hương) for more information.
Bạn có thể nộp ngay hồ sơ cho doanh nghiệp bằng cách bấm vào nút Ứng tuyển
thời gian ứng tuyền từ: 2021-05-20 18:04:22 đến 2021-06-15 16:59:00. Yêu cầu các kỹ năng: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Photography, Power Point, InDesign, Adobe XD, danh mục công việc: Chỉnh sửa ảnh, Chụp ảnh sản phẩm, Thiết kế Banner, Poster, Thiết kế ấn phẩm truyền thông, Quảng cáo, Truyền thông, quy mô dự án: Trung bình. Phương thức làm việc fulltime. Công việc được đăng tại trang web colorme.vn. Yêu cầu kinh nghiệm: 1 năm đến 2 năm . Hình thức trả lương theo: Tháng
Quy mô dự án: Trung bình
Phương thức làm việc: fulltime
Yêu cầu kinh nghiệm: 1 năm đến 2 năm
Hình thức trả lương: Theo Tháng
Người đăng: Nguyễn Linh
Ngày đăng: 2021-05-20 18:04:22